" " " Task Chair: October 2010 "

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Office Stools - The Different Types and Uses

A well designed office stool is one of the most critical elements of an ergonomic workstation, after all it will be the piece of furniture you use most throughout the day. Whether sitting in an office stool or office chair, prolonged sitting or standing in the same position throughout the day can cause discomfort and can even lead to unnecessary aches and pains. An ergonomically outfitted workstation coupled with an appropriate office stool to sit in and proper sitting posture can lead to increases in productivity and efficiency. With the vast amount of unique job professions and tasks out there, there are a myriad of office stool solutions designed to fit specific jobs. When deciding between all the different variations of office stools on the market, it is important to figure out what your individual office needs will be and how much time you will be spending sitting in your stool.

Saddle stools are among the most diverse stools out there, and break away from the traditional office stool mold with its distinct seat shape. A saddle stool features a different way of sitting with its seat shaped in the form of a saddle similar to one that you would see on a horse's back. This seating option works best for dentist or medical offices where the ability to sit in one sturdy position is helpful. For example, when a dentist is cleaning a patient's teeth and wants to stay in one place without having to slide around to get comfortable, a saddle stool would definitely be of use. With seat height adjustment and seat angle adjustment, saddle stools are also an ergonomic option as they have quite a few adjustments and aid the user in sitting with proper posture.

If you spend little time sitting down throughout the day and only require a stool for a few hours of usage, then a medical stool would be an adequate seating option. Medical stools are basic stools that come with a fabric, leather, or vinyl seat covering on top of a base with rolling casters. They are budget friendly, simple, easy to get around on, and a great choice if your job does not require much sitting. Medical stools are also compact allowing them to fit in just about anywhere without taking up too much space. As their name implies, these stools are mostly used in medical settings but are often found in schools, file rooms, home offices, and anywhere that an inexpensive seating choice is needed.

Many jobs require the need for seating that will permit the ease of transfer from a sitting position to a standing position in a quick fashion. A sit stand stool allows for quick adjustment from sitting down to standing up with its extended seat height, and occasionally seat angle adjustment. The seat angle adjustment allows for a more ergonomic way of sitting and lets the user adjust from sitting to standing briskly. Sit stand stools are best for use in environments where workers stand for most of the day at higher workstations such as labs, pharmacies, or in production lines where little time is spent sitting.

Some professions call for heavy-duty seating where a typical office chair or stool would not withstand, and damage resistant furniture is required. Industrial stools provide a high quality seating solution for factory, clean-room, laboratory, and other harsh environments where durability, damage resistance, and ergonomic seating support is needed. Most industrial seating stools come with a tough polyurethane material on the seat and back of the chair. Polyurethane withstands stains, spills, rips, and tears; ideal for even the toughest work environments.

Along with the aforementioned stools, there are many other office stools out there that serve a wide variety of purposes. When searching for an office stool, it is essential to know what kind of environment the stool will be used in as well as how ergonomic you need it to be. Also take into account how long you will be spending sitting on the stool everyday to determine ergonomic necessities and how adjustable you will need to the chair to be.

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Monday, October 25, 2010

How Important Is Buying A Good Office Chair?

How many employees can say that they have worked for more than 8 hours a day in the office and went home still feeling rejuvenated and invigorated? I guess there aren't too many people who can say that. However, more and more companies now replace old and stiff office chairs with more ergonomic and more comfortable work chairs.

How exactly can a good office chair benefit the employees and the company?

Reduction of Body Aches and Pressure Sores

Pressure sores can easily develop after hours of sitting in front of your computer using an uncomfortable chair. The right chair can offer your body therapeutic benefits. It prevents other body concerns such as wrist problems, neck pain and muscle stiffness.

Better Back Posture

You can train your body to have better spinal posture through the use of the right work chair. The spine supports the upper part of your body when you sit. More often than not, we don't pay attention to the structure of our spine when we sit. This speeds up the development of curved spine. This can be a debilitating problem in the future.

Increased Productivity

Because you feel less muscle and body pains, you become more productive in the work place. This also improves your stamina at work. It is also easy to say that offices with ergonomic chairs have lesser percentage of employee absences.

Better Circulation

Poor blood circulation can actually make an employee less tolerant to pressure. Employees become less irritated and hot-tempered when a comfortable chair is used. A good chair should not cut the flow of circulation especially in the thighs.

Fewer Complaints

The benefits mentioned above all lead to reduction of complaints. Employees can now concentrate more on work tasks instead of the inconveniences of body pains.

Buying a good office chair is really important. The boss should not be the only one enjoying the comforts of a good chair. The employees also have to be given the same privilege since they are the ones who make things possible in the workplace.

When buying work chairs for your office, compare comfort and support features. There are also different materials today that enhance the comfort experienced by the user. Memory foam is one of those materials.

Make sure the whole body experiences relief from a whole day of working. There should be features that can support the shoulders, neck, lumbar region, thighs, arms and wrists. Compare prices in different stores and strike a deal with the seller.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Women's Equality Day! - Video Blog 7

Today - August 26th - we celebrate Women's Equality Day, a day that commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave women full voting rights under the law and calls attention to our continuing efforts toward full equality both domestically and internationally. 90 years ago today the largest single-day expansion of democracy took place in America. After a struggle of over 70 years, the dreams of the many women and men who fought for equal voting rights came true. Today we remember those who made great sacrifices so that women across the nation can vote today. In commemoration of this 90th Anniversary, No Limits has created a video celebrating the legacy of the suffragettes and their struggle to obtain equal rights. Join us as we explore the struggle. Allida Black and Liz Wing will take you to the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum in Washington, DC, one of the premiere women's history sites in the country, which houses an extensive collection of suffrage banners and artifacts. Then, back at the headquarters, I will share a few words about this special day. Enjoy the video - and Happy Women's Equality Day! Enjoy and stay tuned for the rest of our adventure only on No Limits Live! Please visit us online at www.NoLimits.org You can also find us on Twitter: NoLimitsOrg Facebook: NoLimits.org Thanks! The No Limits Team Ann Lewis: President Leecia Eve: Vice President for Policy Liz Wing: Executive Director Allida Black: Chair, Human Rights Task Force Filmed and Edited by ...

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Friday, October 15, 2010

The Bird

My first animation. Project task: include a flying bird, a chair, a present, one blob turning into many. Music by me via Garage Band.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Phlex Task Chair Features

The Phlex Task Chair is a fully adjustable ergonomically designed chair featuring swivel, tilt, tilt-lock, gas lift, lung style back with removable covers, height adjustable head rest, easy-roll casters and a modern edge. Phlex is ideal for daily computer and desk work and is also great for PC gaming.

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Supply Buying the Easy Way

Anyone who works for a company of any size today knows that budgets are tight and every penny saved counts. However, saving money must be balanced against everyday needs such as office and hotel supplies. Most offices run on copy paper, coffee, cream and sugar, cleaning supplies and a wide variety of other common, necessary office supplies and would be literally dysfunctional without them. While offices know that there are basics required for any office to function properly, finding the time, money and best price when it comes to acquiring hotel supplies is often a different story entirely.

When it comes to saving time, money and energy, the internet might well be one of the best inventions ever created. Where shopping for office supplies is concerned, it's a God-send. Websites aim to make consumers' lives easier by providing quick, convenient, easy access to quality, well priced office supplies. Unlike many clothing websites, websites whose known customer is the office person purchasing the office and hotel supplies tend to be cleaner, crisper, easier to navigate and more to the point. For websites, the goal is simple: make the life of the person charged with purchasing the supplies as simple and painless as possible while helping them save money as well.

Perhaps the hardest part of shopping hotel supplies, comparison shopping is not always a simple task. In fact, it can be time consuming and difficult as some items must be touched or seen in person to test for ease of use or functionality prior to purchasing. Some people are pickier than others when it comes to the quality of hotel supplies such as cleaners, toilet paper and facial tissue, for example. For people who are more interested in convenience and who don't need to touch or test products prior to buying them, websites are useful and convenient. There are also a number of website specifically for comparison shopping.

Every office has a budget although some are more stringent than others. Within those budgets, offices also have necessities and luxuries. Necessities include pens, copy paper, toilet paper and other office and hotel supplies. While many people consider them necessities, coffee, cream and sugar, coffee cups, facial tissues and desk organizers, among other hotel supplies, are considered luxuries by many companies, especially now, when budgets are tight and revenues are down.

Office workers charged with researching, comparing and purchasing office supplies have a difficult job, to say the least. However, tools, including many easy-to-use websites, abound for their use. Many people go shopping for hotel supplies then come back to their offices and order them online to get better pricing. The bottom line is, when someone is charged with ordering office and hotel supplies, they're looking to save money and time while still getting quality products for their company.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

NYSAC Executive Stephen Acquario and Wyoming Chair of the Board Doug Berwanger

Interview between NYSAC Executive Stephen Acquario and Wyoming Chair of the Board Doug Berwanger regarding The Blue Ribbon Task Force

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