" " " Berkeley Townhall Meeting on LBAM Spraying - 30 minute versi | Task Chair "

Monday, June 21, 2010

Berkeley Townhall Meeting on LBAM Spraying - 30 minute versi

Video Production by J. Cazden and K. Lenihan On February 24,2008, a townhall meeting at the Berkeley Hillside Club was convened by Paulina Borsook, a member of CASS - California Alliance to Stop the Spraying. www.cassonline.org The meeting was put together in response to the plans announced by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) to perform aerial spraying of pesticides over nine counties of the greater San Francisco Bay Area. These plans were made in pursuit of the Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM). The meeting featured a number of speakers: Mike Lynberg (Pacific Grove resident of 1hope.org) Roy Upton (Citizens for Health), Dan Harder (Director of UC Santa Cruz Arboretum), Paul Schramski (Director of Pesticide Watch), Nan Wishner (Chair of the Albany Integrated Pest Management Task Force), Robert Lieber (Mayor of Albany, California) and John Russo (www.stopthespray.org

spandex short