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Monday, July 26, 2010

Backwards Lyricist pt1

Hey all Makai here with my latest update. Just a little something I have been working on for the summer, only recorded/uploaded it now because I finally got a new program that deals with that business :D Music: Canibus' Levitbus Lyrics: My own! You can find me inside during the season of winter Where the enlightened gather anxious in an arm chair With a half glass of Madeira, spitting geological Trivia raps over convivial dinners Trying to convince a young prince about footprints I found while he wrote with a quill and fine ink Extraordinary to think that these beasts now extinct Are preserved air tight between layers of granite Thought what it might be like to see such a sight Touch one with great mass and even greater height Astray in my thoughts I missed most of the night Being polite I cleared my throat and raised my glass Waited for their attention then proceeded to ask "Gentlemen, I need your help with a task If one rapped backwards real fast would they return to the past?" The room fell beyond silent, not even a gasp A chuckle from the back broke the stillness at last This then erupted into a fill blown hearty laugh Another joined him soon the whole blasted class One man asked me how much snuff I have had! Im somewhat glad they thought I was crazy That way nobody would think to steal my theory Until I could prove it worked scientifically It happens often you see, consult Edmond Halley The probability of this working perfectly Was thirty six point three billion to ...

spandex short keen targhee ii hitching post