" " " Is it real ? - A Jonas Story - Chapter Thirty-seven | Task Chair "

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Is it real ? - A Jonas Story - Chapter Thirty-seven

[Becca's POV] 'God I'm bored.' Suddenly the fake Nick I'd seen in that white room appeared. 'You need to complete your task,' the room started to fade away and I was back in that horrible white room. 'You need to complete your task.' He repeated. 'WHAT ?! BUT I DON'T EVER KNOW WHAT IT IS ! HELP ME !!' I screamed at him, this Nick, I did NOT like. ERGK he was evil. 'You know what to do.' 'No ! I really don't ! Help me Nick, please ?' 'It's to do with Nick.' 'Is that why you look like Nick ?' 'No, I look like him, because you find his face more comforting.' 'NO ! I find Ben's face more comforting.' 'That's not what your heart says.' The room faded away and I was back in the bunk room. 'JOE ! JOE JOE JOE JOE JOEEE ! HELP ME JOE !' I screamed banging on the door. The door flung open and I saw Nick. 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !' I stumbled backwards. Joe rushed through. 'What's the matter ?!' He asked as he held on to one of my arms. I.. I disappeared back in to the white room with ''Nick'' .' I said. 'Wooow, guessing when you ghosty souly people come near us we go cold, well actually did any of you guys just go near me ?' Nick asked. Joe walked towards Nick and put his hand on his shoulder, Nick turned round and Joe moved his hand. 'Kevin ? Was that you ?' Nothing, no answer, Kevin had been left on his own. [Nick's POV] I started walking back through to the kitchen, and found Kevin on the floor. He'd been hit over the head pretty hard meaning that he ...

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