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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Choosing the Correct Ergonomic Office Desk

Choosing the correct ergonomic office desk and ergonomic office chair will gain increased satisfaction from the office workers. The selection of a good ergonomic desk and chair will make it easier for the worker to perform their work tasks on an hourly and daily basis.

Ergonomic office desk furniture defined:

Ergonomic furniture will be office furniture that provides an effective fit that assumes high productivity that avoids repetitive injury that will lead to increased satisfaction by the worker seated at that desk.

If you sit in an office chair at a desk that is too high or too low, then you risk being seated all day in a slouched position or in a position that has you reaching to do your work. This then can lead to what is called musculo-skeletal disorders or injury to the skeleton due to prolonged awkward posture.

How can ergonomic furniture decrease this type of injury?

One thing you want to do when purchasing office furniture is make sure the worker will be comfortable when sitting at their desk working all day long. The proper office furniture will decrease poor body mechanics like that slouching in the chair. A spine is not meant to be put in that position every minute of a day.

A proper office desk will have a work surface at the correct height for the task being performed on it. Someone who works with blueprints all day long will most likely require a higher working surface. Someone working on computers all day will require a work surface that is elbow high.

The correct desk will have an adjustable work surface. This will include the proper height for the keyboard. The mouse and computer screen must be easily reachable. Of course the desk chair should properly fit the workers body and have good back support. This desk chair should also be adjustable for comfort. You have to provide a user friendly work area.

Ergonomic furniture is not cheap, although it can be purchased used. If you choose the correct ergonomic office desk you will have satisfied office workers.

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