" " " Transportation Rountable with Caryn A. McBride | Task Chair "

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Transportation Rountable with Caryn A. McBride

Issues regarding funding and bridge-borne public transportation held the floor at a discussion of the Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 corridor last week in White Plains. The event, sponsored by the Business Journal, featured nine participants from various fields and touched on various aspects of the project. Attendees included: Marsha Gordon, president, The Business Council of Westchester, co-chair, Tappan Zee Bridge/I287 Futures Task Force; Robert Weinberg, partner and president, Robert Martin Co.; Ellen Lynch, president and CEO of the Yonkers Industrial Development Agency; Maureen Morgan, board member and past president, Federated Conservationists of Westchester County; Mary Ann Crotty, director of transportation, Pattern for Progress; P. Gilbert Mercurio, CEO of the Westchester County Board of Realtors; Ross J. Pepe, president, Construction Industry Council and Building Contractors Association; John McCarthy, principal, McCarthy Associates; and Robert J. Goldstein, general counsel/director of enforcement programs, Riverkeeper Inc. Part of the discussion centered on pragmatic ways to fund a seemingly "unfundable" project. www.westchestercountybusiness.com

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