" " " Tim Sheehy - MMAC - Part 2 | Task Chair "

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tim Sheehy - MMAC - Part 2

Topic: Taxes & Legislation ----- Timothy R. Sheehy is president of the MMAC. He joined the association staff in 1983 as director of governmental affairs, was named vice president of business development in 1988, executive vice president of operations in 1989, executive vice president of the MMAC in 1991 and president in 1993. Prior to joining the association, he worked as a legislative assistant to Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., in Washington DC He was also the recipient of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Congressional Internship. He serves on Gov. Doyle's Economic Growth Council, chairs the Milwaukee Development Corporation and is vice chair of the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute/WPI. He also serves on the boards of the Wisconsin State Fair Park, Forward Wisconsin, United Way, Alliance for Choices in Education, the Private Industry Council, Bridging the Gap Learning Center, Medical College of Wisconsin Research Foundation, Hispanic Professionals of Greater Milwaukee, Milwaukee Partnership Academy and the University School Board of Trustees. Sheehy previously chaired the state Film Industry Council, the Task Force on State and Local Government and co-chaired the Mayor's Task Force on Health Care Cost Containment. ----- Interview: Dec. 3, 2009 (Smart Interactive Media) ----- Interviewer: Kelly Rudy, The Paranet Group, Director of Marketing & Public Relations

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